8 October 2019

Mini-organs at the Weekend of Science

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During the Weekend of Science on October 6th visitors could emerse themselves in the world of mini-organs. Together with the Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) and the hub U-port (Universiteit Utrecht) the Hubrecht Institute (KNAW) organized four activities around these mini-organs that we call organoids. The activities were a great success.

Testing drugs on organoids | Medicijnen testen op organoïden

At the entrance our young visitors received a lab coat and gloves, after which the experiments could start. They made their own growth medium to help the organoids grow in the lab and tested if a certain drug would work for the organoids of different patients. During the quiz the visitors built a DNA sequence using the answers tot he questions: did they answer all the questions correctly and build a healthy organoid, or did a mutation creep in? And last but not least they could craft their own organoid to take home.

Hopefully we inspired a new generation of scientists!


Next year, the Weekend of Science will take place on October 3rd and 4th, so mark those dates in your calendar!

Below you can watch the videos we used at the Weekend of Science. For now they are in Dutch, English subtitles will follow soon!




Credits banner photo: Ivar Pel