About Us
Research groups
Do you own a company and see opportunities to support us in any way? We will be very happy with your support. For information you can contact our foundation via mail: vrienden@hubrecht.eu or by phone: +31 (0)30 212 1849.
Dr. Paul Bouter, internist at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital and director of the Foundation Friends, always likes to tell his patients about medical developments in science. He is a modern doctor, who likes to offer his patients new treatments whenever possible. But more importantly, he gives hope to his patients; thanks to the Hubrecht Institute, there are good progressions for a better treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Owner of the transport company is one the enthusiastic patients of dr. Paul Bouter and has decided to have a truck printed with the Hubrecht Institute and all group leaders on it. This truck is even equipped with a QR code, which is linked to the website. On the 10th anniversary of the Foundation Friends, a second truck has even been printed, whereby the important message of the Hubrecht Institute can be spread further. Also, the driver of this printed truck tells his suppliers always proud of the good performance of our top institute. We really appreciate the good help of transport company Kivits Drunen B.V!
The collaboration with ABN-AMRO MeesPierson came through some friends of the Foundation Friends of the Hubrecht Institute, who worked at the bank. So far, two Hubrecht Colleges have been provided at the bank’s location in Amsterdam. Clients of the bank and friends from the Foundation were invited, which makes both Hubrecht Colleges a great success for increasing the familiarity of the Institute and the Foundation. A lot of new interested parties for the Foundation sign up as a friend, who can once again distribute the important message from the Hubrecht Institute.
Since a couple of years could the research group of Hans Clevers counting on support from the profits of the web shop 2keerkleur from Nel Maasland. She really wants to support research on the Hubrecht Institute, since her granddaughter is diagnosed with mononuclear inflammatory vascular disease (MIVD). Nel Maasland makes beautiful maternity gifs. With every buy in her website, you automatically give hope for children born with the MIVD disease.
The Foundation Friends of the Hubrecht Institute aims to support research at the Hubrecht Institute in the broadest sense of the word. The foundation does this by raising funds for research but also by organizing events to raise awareness for the Hubrecht Institute.
Jong ambassadeur
Young Ambassador
Board Chairman
Director of External Relations of the Hubrecht Institute
Treasuerer board member
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