5 October 2021

Jop Kind appointed professor by special appointment at Radboud University

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Jop Kind, group leader at the Hubrecht Institute, has been appointed professor by special appointment of Single Cell Epigenomics at Radboud University per 1 September 2021. This teaching and research remit is part of a collaboration between the university in Nijmegen, the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Hubrecht Institute.

Kind’s group studies the ways in which genes in individual cells are turned on and off: the gene regulation. The researchers specifically look at the role of the complex of DNA and proteins in the cell’s nucleus, also called the chromatin, and the architecture of de nucleus. Using advanced techniques, they investigate what mechanisms determine how for example embryonal- or cancer cells acquire new identities and characteristics.

“I want to find out how processes in cells are regulated in different biological settings and what the main drivers of these processes are,” Kind explains. That way, he hopes to better understand the origins of diseases and use new techniques to improve diagnostics. “We hope that our techniques enable us to obtain more information from limitedly available patient material. That allows us to further strengthen the already well-established connection between fundamental research and clinical practice here at the Radboud University.”

Image Kind



Jop Kind is group leader at the Hubrecht Institute.