den Hertog: Protein-tyrosinefosfatases in ontwikkeling

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De Den Hertog groep bestudeert de functie van proteïne-tyrosinefosfatases in ontwikkeling en ziekte met biochemische en celbiologische technieken.

Eiwitfosforylering op tyrosineresiduen is een belangrijk signaaltransductiemechanisme met een essentiële rol in vele biologische processen, zoals celproliferatie, -migratie en -transformatie. Tyrosinefosforylering van eiwitten in cellen wordt gereguleerd door de tegengestelde activiteiten van tyrosinekinases (protein-tyrosinekinases, PTK’s) en tyrosinefosfatases (protein-tyrosinefosfatases, PTP’s).

Afbeelding 1. 'Rotational coupling' reguleert de activiteit van RPTPalfa, een eiwit dat zich in het celmembraan bevindt. RPTPalpha vormt dimeren die katalytisch actief of inactief zijn, afhankelijk van de oriëntatie van de twee monomeren ten opzichte van elkaar.

Onze groep is geïnteresseerd in de functie van PTP’s tijdens de embryonale ontwikkeling en in cellulaire signaaltransductie. Met gebruik van biochemische en celbiologische benaderingen bestuderen wij de PTP-gemedieerde signaaltransductie om inzicht te verkrijgen in conceptuele vragen over substraten, regulatie, liganden en effectoren. In de loop van de jaren heeft onze groep gevonden dat de PTP RPTPalfa wordt gereguleerd door dimerisatie, oxidatie en fosforylering.

Key publicationsView all publications

A new perspective on fungal metabolites: identification of bioactive compounds from fungi using zebrafish embryogenesis as read-out

Hoeksma J, Misset T, Wever C, Kemmink J, Kruijtzer J, Versluis K, Liskamp RMJ, Boons GJ, Heck AJR, Boekhout T, den Hertog J

Sci Rep. 9, 17546


Blood 123, 184-190


Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome Shp2 variants induce heart displacement defects in zebrafish.

Bonetti M, Paardekooper Overman J, Tessadori F, Noël E, Bakkers J and den Hertog J

Development 141, 1961-1970


EMBO J. 21: 493-503.


Overige publicaties

Targeting Oncogenic Src Homology 2 Domain-Containing Phosphatase 2 (SHP2) by Inhibiting Its Protein-Protein Interactions

Bobone S, Pannone L, Biondi B, Solman M, Flex E, Canale VC, Calligari P, De Faveri C, Gandini T, Quercioli A, Torini G, Venditti M, Lauri A, Fasano G, Hoeksma J, Santucci V, Cattani G, Bocedi A, Carpentieri G, Tirelli V, Sanchez M, Peggion C, Formaggio F, den Hertog J, Martinelli S, Bocchinfuso G, Tartaglia M, Stella L.

J Med Chem. 64, 15973-15990


Berkchaetoazaphilone B has antimicrobial activity and affects energy metabolism

Ouyang X, Hoeksma J, van der Velden G, Beenker WAG, van Triest MH, Burgering BMT, den Hertog J

Sci Rep. 11, 18774


Mol Cell Proteomics. 20, 100033


Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase signaling controls survival and stemness of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Blokzijl-Franke S, Ponsioen B, Schulte-Merker S, Herbomel P, Kissa K, Choorapoikayil S, den Hertog J

Oncogene 40, 2741-2755


Dis Model Mech. 13, 045971


Protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha inhibits hypothalamic leptin receptor signaling and regulates body weight in vivo

Cohen-Sharir Y, Kuperman Y, Apelblat D, den Hertog J, Spiegel I, Knobler H, Elson A

FASEB J. 33, 5101-5111


Heterozygous missense mutations in NFATC1 are associated with atrioventricular septal defect

Ferese R, Bonetti M, Consoli F, Guida V, Sarkozy A, Lepri FR, Versacci P, Gambardella S, Calcagni G, Margiotti K, Sparascio FP, Hozhabri H, Mazza T, Digilio MC, Dallapiccola B, Tartaglia M, Marino B, den Hertog J, De Luca A

Hum Mutat, 39, 1428-1441


Regeneration 4, 217-226


A chemical screen in zebrafish embryonic cells establishes that Akt activation is required for neural crest development

Ciarlo C, Kaufman CK, Michael J, D’Amato C, Kinikoglu B, Yang S, Blokzijl-Franke S, den Hertog J, Schlaeger T, Zhou Y, Liao EC, Zon LI

eLife 6, e29145


Dev Biol 428, 259-260


Dev Biol 428, 261-263


Adv Exp Med Biol 916, 87-101


Methods Mol Biol. 1447, 351-372


Comparative interactomics analysis of different ALS-associated proteins identifies converging molecular pathways

Blokhuis AM, Koppers M, Groen EJN, Dini Modigliani S, van den Heuvel DMA, Anink JJ, Fumoto K, van Diggelen F, Snelting A, Sodaar P, Demmers JAA, Veldink JH, Aronica E, Bozzoni I, den Hertog J, van den Berg LH, Pasterkamp RJ

Acta Neurpath 132, 175-196


PLoS One 11, e0154771


Comparative interactomics analysis of different ALS-associated proteins identifies converging molecular pathways

Blokhuis AM, Koppers M, Groen EJN, Dini Modigliani S, van den Heuvel DMA, ... den Hertog J, van den Berg LH, Pasterkamp RJ

Acta Neurpath 132, 175-196


Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha enhances rheumatoid synovial fibroblast signaling and promotes arthritis in mice

Stanford SM, Svensson MN, Sacchetti C, Pilo CA, Wu DJ, Kiosses WB, ... den Hertog J, Elson A, Sap J, Mydel P, Boyle DL, Corr M, Firestein GS, Bottini N.

Arthritis Rheumatol 68, 359-369


Pten function in zebrafish: Anything but a fish story

Stumpf M, Choorapoikayil S and den Hertog J

Methods, 77-78, 191-196


Heterozygous germline mutations in A2ML1 are associated with a disorder clinically related to Noonan syndrome

Vissers LELM, Bonetti M, Paardekooper Overman J, Nillesen WM ... Tartaglia M, van der Burgt I, Yntema HG and den Hertog J

Eur J Hum Gen, 23, 317-324


Phosphoproteomics-mediated identification of Fer kinase as a target of mutant Shp2 in Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome

Paardekooper Overman J, Preisinger C, Prummel K, Bonetti M, Giansanti P, Heck A and den Hertog J

PLoS ONE 9, e106682


A Unified Nomenclature and Amino Acid Numbering for Human PTEN

Pulido R, Baker SJ, Barata JT, Carracedo A, Cid VJ, Chin-Sang ID, Davé V, den Hertog J ... Woscholski R, Wu H, Leslie NR

Sci Signal 7, pe15


PZR coordinates Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome signaling in zebrafish and mice

Paardekooper Overman J, Yi JS, Bonetti M, Soulsby M, Preisinger C, Stokes MP, Hui L, Silva JC, Overvoorde J, Giansanti P, Heck AJR, Kontaridis MI, den Hertog J and Bennett AM

Mol Cell Biol 34, 2874–2889


Mutant PTEN in cancer: worse than nothing

Leslie NR and den Hertog J

Cell 157, 527-529


Protein tyrosine phosphatases Epsilon and Alpha perform non-redundant roles in osteoclasts

Finkelshtein E, Lotinun S, Levy-Apter E, Arman E, den Hertog J, Baron R and Elson A

Mol Biol Cell, 25, 1808-1818


Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome Shp2 variants induce heart displacement defects in zebrafish

Bonetti M, Paardekooper Overman J, Tessadori F, Noël E, Bakkers J and den Hertog J

Development 141, 1961-1970


Distinct and overlapping functions of ptpn11 genes in zebrafish development

Bonetti M, Rodriguez-Martinez V, Paardekooper Overman J, Overvoorde J, van Eekelen M, Jopling C and den Hertog J

PLoS ONE, 9, e94884


Blood 123, 184-190


Integrating chemical and genetic silencing strategies to identify host kinase-phosphatase inhibitor networks that control bacterial infection

Albers HMHG, Kuijl C, Bakker J, Hendrickx L, Wekker S, Farhou N, Liu N, Blasco-Moreno B, Scanu T, den Hertog J, Celie P, Ovaa H and Neefjes J

ACS Chem Biol 9, 414-422


A versatile spectrophotometric protein tyrosine phosphatase assay based on 3-nitrophosphotyrosine containing substrates

van Ameijde J, Overvoorde J, Knapp S, den Hertog J, Ruijtenbeek R, Liskamp RM

Anal Biochem. 448C, 9-13


Zebrafish as a model to study PTPs during development

Paardekooper Overman J and den Hertog J

Methods 65, 247-253


A Nodal-independent and tissue-intrinsic mechanism controls heart-looping chirality

Noël ES, Verhoeven M, Lagendijk AK, Tessadori F, Smith K, Choorapoikayil S, den Hertog J, Bakkers J

Nat Commun 4, 2754


Loss of Pten promotes angiogenesis and enhanced vegfaa expression in zebrafish

Choorapoikayil S, Weijts B, Kers R, de Bruin A, den Hertog J

Dis Mod Mech, 6, 1159-1166


Deriving Cell Lines from Zebrafish Embryos and Tumors

Choorapoikayil S, Overvoorde J, den Hertog J

Zebrafish, 10, 316-325


Protein tyrosine phosphatases in health and disease

Hendriks WJ, Elson A, Harroch S, Pulido R, Stoker A, den Hertog J

FEBS J, 280, 708–730


Protein tyrosine phosphatase structure-function relationships in regulation and pathogenesis

Böhmer F, Szedlacsek S, Tabernero L, Ostman A, den Hertog J (

FEBS J., 280, 413–431


J. Immunol., 190, 1631-1645


A variant in the carboxyl-terminus of connexin 40 alters GAP junctions and increases risk for tetralogy of Fallot

Guida V, Ferese R, Rocchetti M, Bonetti M, Sarkozy A, Cecchetti S, Gelmetti V, Lepri F, Copetti M, Lamorte G, Digilio MC, Marino B, Zaza A, den Hertog J, Dallapiccola B, De Luca A

Eur J Hum Gen 21, 69-75


Knocking Down Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMW-PTP) Reverts Chemoresistance through Inactivation of Src and Bcr-Abl Proteins

Ferreira PA, Ruela-de-Sousa RR, Queiroz KC, Souza AC, Milani R, Pilli RA, Peppelenbosch MP, den Hertog J, Ferreira CV

PLoS ONE 7, e44312


PLoS ONE 7, e35913


Dis Mod Mech, 5, 241-247


Pten Mediates Myc Oncogene Dependence in a Conditional Zebrafish Model of T-ALL

Gutierrez A, Grebliunaite R, Feng H, Kozakewich E, Zhu S, Guo F, Payne E, Mansour M, Dahlberg SE, Neuberg DS, den Hertog J, Prochownik EV, Testa JR, Harris M, Kanki JP, Look AT

J Exp Med, 208, 1595-1603


Noonan syndrome gain-of-function mutations in NRAS cause zebrafish gastrulation defects

Runtuwene V, van Eekelen M, Overvoorde J, Rehmann H, Yntema HG, Nillesen WM, van Haeringen A, van der Burgt I, Burgering B, den Hertog J

Dis Mod Mech 4, 393-399


PLoS ONE 5, e12573


Mol Cell Biol. 30, 2850-2861


In depth qualitative and quantitative profiling of tyrosine phosphorylation using a combination of phosphopeptide immuno-affinity purification and stable isotope dimethyl labeling

Boersema PJ, Foong LY, Ding VM, Lemeer S, van Breukelen B, Philp R, Boekhorst J, Snel B, den Hertog J, Choo AB, Heck AJ

Mol Cell Prot. 9, 84-99


Reciprocal regulation of RPTPalpha and Src

Vacaru, A.M. and den Hertog, J.

Rom. J. Biochem. 46, 187-197


Zebrafish and phosphatase function

den Hertog J, van Eekelen M

Handbook of Cell Signaling, Bradshaw R, Dennis E (eds) Chapter 101.


Dev. Biol. 324, 122-130


Comparative phosphoproteomics of zebrafish Fyn/Yes morpholino knockdown embryos

Lemeer, S., Jopling, C., Gouw, J., Mohammed, S., Heck, A.J.R., Slijper, M. and den Hertog, J.

Mol. Cell. Prot., 7, 2176-2187


J. Cell Biol., 182, 1185-1200


Assessment of PTEN tumor suppressor activity in nonmammalian models: the year of the yeast

Cid, V.J., Rodrıguez-Escudero, I., Andres-Pons, A., Roma-Mateo, C., Gil, A., den Hertog, J., Molina, M. and Pulido, R.

Oncogene, 27, 5431-5442


FEBS J. 275, 2597–2604


Ferruginol suppresses survival signaling pathways in androgen-independent human prostate cancer cells

Bispo de Jesus, M, Zambuzzi, W.F., Ruela de Sousa, R.R., Areche, C. ... den Hertog, J., de Paula, E., Ferreira, C.V.

Biochimie, 90, 843-854


On-line automated zebrafish phosphoproteomics; From large-scale analysis down-to a single embryo

Lemeer, S., Pinkse, M.W.H., Mohammed, S., van Breukelen, B., den Hertog, J. Slijper, M. and Heck, A.J.R.

J. Prot. Res. 7, 1555-1564


Protein tyrosine phosphatases: regulatory mechanisms

den Hertog, J. Östman, A and Böhmer, F.-D.

FEBS J. 275, 831–847


Zebrafish pten genes have overlapping and non-redundant functions in tumorigenesis and embryonic development

Faucherre, A., Taylor, G.S., Overvoorde, J., Dixon, J.E. and den Hertog, J.

Oncogene 27, 1079–1086


PLoS Genetics 3, e225


Endogenous phosphotyrosine signaling in zebrafish embryos

Lemeer, S.M., Ruijtenbeek, R., Pinkse, M.W.H., Jopling, C., Heck, A.J.R., den Hertog, J. and Slijper, M.

Mol. Cell. Prot. 6, 2088-2099


Protein-tyrosine kinase activity profiling in knock down zebrafish embryos

Lemeer, S., Jopling, C., Naji, F., Ruijtenbeek, R., Slijper, M., Heck, A.J.R. and den Hertog, J.

PLoS One 2(7): e581


Laminin alpha 4 and integrin-linked kinase mutations cause human cardiomyopathy via simultaneous defects in cardiomyocytes and in endothelial cells

Knöll, R., Postel, R., Wang, J., Krätzner, R., Hennecke, G., Vacaru, A.M. ... Den Hertog, J., van Eeden, F.J.M., Peters, P.J., Hasenfuss, G., Chien, K.R.and Bakkers, J.

Circulation 116, 515-525


Mech. of Dev. 124, 129-136


Reversible oxidation of the membrane distal domain of receptor PTPalpha is mediated by a cyclic sulphenamide

Yang, J., Groen, A., Lemeer, S., Jans, A., Slijper, M., Roe, S.M., den Hertog, J. and Barford, D.

Biochemistry 46, 709-719


The novel gene asb11: a regulator of the size of the neural progenitor compartment

Diks, S.H., Bink, R.J., van de Water, S., Joore, J., van Rooijen, C., Verbeek, F.J., den Hertog, J., Peppelenbosch, M.P., Zivkovic, D.

J. Cell Biol. 174, 581-592


Type I collagen limits VEGFR-2 signaling by a SHP2 protein-tyrosine phosphatase – dependent mechanism

Mitola, S., Brenchio, B., Piccinini, M., Tertoolen, L., Zammataro, L., Breier, G., Rinaudo, M.T., den Hertog, J. and Bussolino, F.

Circ. Res. 98, 45-54


Integrin alpha4beta1 promotes FAK-independent cell motility via alpha4 cytoplasmic domain-specific activation of c-Src

Hsia, D.A., Lim, S.T., Bernard-Triflo, J.A., Mitra, S.K., Tanaka, S., den Hertog, J., Streblow, D.N., Ilic, D., Ginsberg, M.H. and Schlaepfer, D.D.

Mol. Cell. Biol. 25, 9700 – 9712


Cytotoxicity and recognition of receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases, RPTPalpha and RPTPbeta, by Helicobacter pylori m2VacA

De Guzman, B., Hisatsune, J., Nakayama, M., Yahiro, K., Wada, A., Yamasaki, E., Nishi, Y., Yamazaki, S., Azuma, T., Ito, Y., Ohtani, M., van der Wijk, T., den Hertog, J., Moss, J. and Hirayama, T.

Cell. Microbiol. 7, 1285-1293


Biosc. Rep., 25, 289-297


Differential oxidation of protein-tyrosine phosphatases

Groen, A., Lemeer, S., van der Wijk, T., Overvoorde, J., Heck, A.J.R., Ostman, A., Barford, D., Slijper, M., and den Hertog, J.

J. Biol. Chem. 280, 10298-10304


Redox regulation of protein-tyrosine phosphatases

den Hertog, J., Groen, A. and van der Wijk, T.

Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 434, 11-15


RPTPalpha is essential for NCAM mediated p59fyn activation and neurite elongation

Bodrikov, V., Leshchyns’ka, I, Sytnyk, V., Overvoorde, J., den Hertog, J. and Schachner, M.

J. Cell Biol., 168, 127-139


Regulation of Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase dimerization

van der Wijk, T., Blanchetot, C. and den Hertog, J

Methods 35, 73-79


Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 27, 404-416


J. Biol. Chem., 279, 44355-44361


Preferential oxidation of the second phosphatase domain of receptor-like PTP-revealed by an antibody against oxidized protein tyrosine phosphatases

Persson, C., Sjöblom, T., Groen, A., Kappert, K., Engström, U., Hellman, U., Heldin, C.H., den Hertog, J. and Östman, A.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 1886-1891


Top. Curr. Genet. (eds. J. Arino and D. Alexander) 17, 253-274


EMBO Rep. 4, 1027-1032


Redox-regulated rotational coupling of Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase α dimers

van der Wijk, T., Blanchetot, C., Overvoorde, J. and den Hertog, J.

J. Biol. Chem. 278,13968-13974


Dimerization in vivo and inhibition of the non-receptor form of protein tyrosine phosphatase Epsilon

Toledano-Katchalski, H., Tiran, Z., Sines, T., Shani, G., Granot-Attas, S., den Hertog, J. and Elson, A.

Mol. Cell. Biol., 23, 5460-5471


Heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase is essential for muscle development in Zebrafish.

Bink, R.J., Habuchi, H., Lele, Z., Dolk, E., Joore, J., Rauch, G.J., Geisler, R., Wilson, S., den Hertog, J., Kimata, K. and Zivkovic, D.

J. Biol. Chem., 278, 31118-31127


Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase dimerization

den Hertog, J., van der Wijk, T., Tertoolen, L.G.J. and Blanchetot, C.

Meth. Enzymol. (eds. S. Klumpp and J. Krieglstein) 366, 224-240


Regulation of Receptor Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase alpha by oxidative stress

Blanchetot, C., Tertoolen, L.G., and den Hertog, J.

EMBO J., 21, 493-503


Dev.Dyn., 223, 292-297


J. Biol. Chem., 277, 47263-47269


J. Biol. Chem., 277, 48139-48145


A tumor-specific kinase activity regulates the viral death protein Apoptin

Rohn, J.L., Zhang, Y.H., Aalbers, R.I.J.M., Otto, N., den Hertog, J., Henriquez, N.V., van de Velde, C.J.H., Kuppen, P.J.K., Mumberg, D., Donner, P. and Noteborn, M.H.M.

J. Biol. Chem., 277, 50820-50827


Dimerization of Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase alpha in living cells

Tertoolen, L.G., Blanchetot, C., Jiang, G., Overvoorde, J., Gadella, T.W.J., Hunter, T., and den Hertog, J.

BMC.Cell Biol. 2, 8


Expression of receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha, sigma and LAR during development of the zebrafish embryo

van der Sar, A., Betist, M., de Fockert, J., Overvoorde, J., Zivkovic, D., and den Hertog, J.

Mech.Dev. 109, 423-426.


Identification of p130cas as an in vivo substrate of receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha

Buist, A., Blanchetot, C., Tertoolen, L.G., and den Hertog, J.

J.Biol.Chem. 275, 20754-20761


Mol.Cell Biol. 20, 5917-5929


Biochemistry 38, 914-922


Growth factor signalling

de Laat, S.W., Boonstra, J., Defize, L.H., Kruijer, W., van der Saag, P.T., Tertoolen, L.G., van Zoelen, E.J., and den Hertog, J

Int.J.Dev.Biol. 43, 681-691


Mech.Dev. 85, 3-14


Receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase signalling in development

den Hertog, J., Blanchetot, C., Buist, A., Overvoorde, J., van der Sar, A., and Tertoolen, L.G.

Int.J.Dev.Biol. 43, 723-733


Dimerization inhibits the activity of receptor-like protein-tyrosine phosphatase-alpha

Jiang, G., den Hertog, J., Su, J., Noel, J., Sap, J., and Hunter, T.

Nature 401, 606-610


J.Biol.Chem. 274, 27439-27447


Pleiotropic effects of zebrafish protein-tyrosine phosphatase-1B on early embryonic development

van der Sar, A.M., de Fockert, J., Betist, M., Zivkovic, D., and den Hertog, J.

Int.J.Dev.Biol. 43 , 785-794


Oncogene 18, 4435-4439


Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 251, 6-10


Cell scattering of SK-N-MC neuroepithelioma cells in response to Ret and FGF receptor tyrosine kinase activation is correlated with sustained ERK2 activation

van Puijenbroek, A.A., van Weering, D.H., van den Brink, C.E., Bos, J.L., van der Saag, P.T., de Laat, S.W., and den Hertog, J

Oncogene 14, 1147-1157


Activin and basic fibroblast growth factor regulate neurogenesis of murine embryonal carcinoma cells

Ameerun, R.F., de Winter, J.P., van den Eijnden-van Raaij, A.J., den Hertog, J., de Laat, S.W., and Tertoolen, L.G.

Cell Growth Differ. 7, 1679-1688.


Nature 382, 555-559


Mech.Dev. 58, 89-101


Why is phosphonodifluoromethyl phenylalanine a more potent inhibitory moiety than phosphonomethyl phenylalanine toward protein-tyrosine phosphatases?

Chen, L., Wu, L., Otaka, A., Smyth, M.S., Roller, P.P., Burke, T.R.J., den Hertog, J., and Zhang, Z.Y.

Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 216, 976-984.


Stimulation of receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha activity and phosphorylation by phorbol ester

den Hertog, J., Sap, J., Pals, C.E., Schlessinger, J., and Kruijer, W.

Cell Growth Differ. 6, 303-307


Multiple and cooperative phosphorylation events regulate the CREM activator function

de Groot, R.P., den Hertog, J., Vandenheede, J.R., Goris, J., and Sassone-Corsi, P.

EMBO J. 12, 3903-3911


Receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha activates pp60c-src and is involved in neuronal differentiation.

den Hertog J, Pals CEGM, Peppelenbosch MP, Tertoolen LGJ, de Laat SW, Kruijer W

EMBO J. 12: 3789-3798


Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha activates pp60c-src and is involved in neuronal differentiation

den Hertog, J., Pals, C.E., Peppelenbosch, M.P., Tertoolen, L.G., de Laat, S.W., and Kruijer, W.

EMBO J. 12, 3789-3798


Epidermal growth factor induced signal transduction in A431 cells is influenced by altered gravity conditions

de Laat, S.W., de Groot, R.P., den Hertog, J., Rijken, P.J., Verkleij, A.J., Kruijer, W., and Boonstra, J.

Physiologist. 35, S19-S22


Nucleic.Acids.Res. 20, 125-130


Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 184, 1241-1249


Cell 69, 295-303


Nuclear responses to protein kinase C signal transduction are sensitive to gravity changes

de Groot, R.P., Rijken, P.J., den Hertog, J., Boonstra, J., Verkleij, A.J., de Laat, S.W., and Kruijer, W.

Exp.Cell Res. 197, 87-90


Characterization of a tyrosine kinase signaling pathway in undifferentiated P19 embryonal carcinoma cells

den Hertog, J., Eman, R., Tertoolen, L.G., de Laat, S.W., and Kruijer, W.

Exp.Cell Res. 196, 226-232


DNA Seq. 2, 111-119


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Jeroen den Hertog

Jeroen den Hertog is groepsleider en algemeen directeur bij het Hubrecht Institute en hoogleraar Moleculaire Ontwikkelingszoölogie aan de Universiteit Leiden. De Den Hertog groep gebruikt de zebravis als modelsysteem om de functie van protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) te bestuderen. PTP-signalering speelt een belangrijke rol in veel biologische processen, zoals celproliferatie, -migratie en -transformatie. De Den Hertog groep onderzoekt de regulatie, substraten, liganden en effectoren van deze signaleringsroute met biochemische, moleculaire, celbiologische en genetische benaderingen tijdens de ontwikkeling van de zebravis en regeneratie van de staartvin.

Wetenschappelijke opleiding en posities

Andere activiteiten

  • Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Institute Biology Leiden, Leiden
  • Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Lorentz Center, Leiden

  • Groepsleden

    Jeroen den Hertog

    Group Leader

    John Overvoorde


    Jelmer Hoeksma


    Pakize Ak


    Maja Šolman


    Jisca Majolée


    Ronnie Lubbers


    Yuanyuan Liu


    Maaike Allers

    PhD Student

    Xudong Ouyang

    PhD Student

    Wouter Beenker

    PhD Student

    Daniëlle Woutersen

    PhD Student

    Mariska Dijkers

    PhD Student

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